Monday, July 16, 2012

The Milky Way from Melbourne, Australia

I just returned from a great trip back home to Melbourne, Australia. Dad and I spent a night out at a nearby mountain range called the Dandenongs, at a spot I had read about that is used by local astronomers. It was superb. The Milky Way was exceptionally bright with Scorpio right overhead! The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds were easily visible, and I could clear see, naked eye, the Omega Centauri globular cluster. We explored the sky with his binoculars (very nice William Optics 10*50 model!) and I took a few snaps. This is the best Milky Way shot from that night out, which is a 20 second exposure taken at F4, ISO2500 with my Nikon D7000 and Sigma 10-20mm EXII HSM set to 10mm. The camera was pointing straight up!


  1. Magda9:47 PM

    Hello! Great shot!
    I was wondering what spot exactly were in you in in the Dandenongs to get this view?

  2. Hi Magda,

    Thanks! Your timing is bizarre. I was just trying to remember this was. It's killing me because I can't quite remember...

    It was a footy field out near Gembrook. It was cut into the side of a hill, and from the field you could make out the Mornington Peninusla or thereabouts.

    I'll keep searching through my old notes and emails and will post back here if I find it.


  3. Magda - just messed around on Google Earth and I think it was the Johns Hill Reserve. I'm 95% confident that's what it was. It was SO dark out there when we were driving around that we got very lost. Then we got so overwhelmed with the view that we forgot to note the spot when we drove off. I'm going back to try it again this June when back in Australia.


  4. Magda4:39 AM

    Just thought I would report my findings! My friend and I went out to the suggested spot on a great night but there was SO much light pollution visible to the naked eye, we were no way close to getting a strong shot like yours! But we got something, messed around and had fun, and discovered a new place. Thanks!

  5. Hi Magda,

    Interesting. Sorry it didn't live up to expectations. When I was there it was pretty good.

    I'll be back in Australia in a few months and will have to back and take another look. Let me know if you find better spots!



G'day there!

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