Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Venus Transit of June, 2012

After a big scare with the weather forecast, which called for clouds, the skies cleared and we were treated to a great view of the transit in central Texas. All pictures taken with a Nikon D7000 attached to an AstroTelescopes 80mm ED Refractor, mounted on a Celestron CGEM. I used an Orion 80mm glass solar filter.


  1. Nice work with the solar filter, Phil! Those are shots to be proud of!

  2. Hi Phil,

    Gorgeous pictures, as usual. We in Budapest were blessed with good weather and enjoyed the III. and IV. contact.

  3. ian morrison7:07 AM

    G'day phil,i'm a fellow melbournian,now in country n.s.w,just wanted to congrat you on your blog,great work.transit photos look awesome,i was at work at the time and had the welding helmet with uv sunnies! still looked incredible.i'm buying a 12" LB this year and can't wait! thanks again,keep up the good work. Go Pies!

  4. Thanks, Dzsobacsi! I hope you've had good seeing conditions recently!

  5. G'day Ian! I live in Texas now, but just got back from a three week trip to Melbourne. My dad and I ventured to the other side of the Dandenongs and experienced great skies out there. Enjoy your LB - I LOVE mine! And yes, C'arn the Pies indeed!!! (Saw them play Carlton at the MCG while there, pity about the result, though!)

  6. Many thanks, Rory!


G'day there!

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