Thursday, November 06, 2008

A Colorful Moon

In one of the Yahoo! groups that I am a member of, someone posted a shot of the moon but it was a lovely, colorful image. He had tweaked the saturation of the image using Photoshop. I have also seen this on well known astrophotographer Russell Croman's website. Such color saturation apparently works to highlight the different regions of the moon.

So, I went back and found my nice moon image from last year, taken through my 6" dob with a handheld digital camera (flukey!!!). Below is the result. Not quite as nice as Croman's, but an aesthetically pleasing image nonetheless.


Anonymous said...

Oh WOW! Phil this is gorgeous shot. Absolutely gorgeous!The colour saturation that you've added is a nice touch and beautifully subtle. I'd pay a shed load of money to have a large print of this framed. Stunning!

Phil said...

Thanks a lot, Ewan!!! I was really happy with this shot when I took it last year, and can't believe I had all this color sitting there until recently!