This image is from another .AVI file I took two weeks ago. I did more of a manual processing job as opposed to the automated option provided by Registax. It's sharper, with more prominent surface details. Teeny-weeny bit better than my last attempt!
This exercise got me thinking. I ran the same process on an older Saturn .AVi file and managed to get a fairly sharp, somewhat detailed image. Color leaves little to be desired but you can see ring detail and some surface markings on the planet itself.
I am going to try and get out this Saturday night. The forecast is for clear skies and temperatures down in the 20's! Hopefully I can get one more image attempt before the end of the year. It's definitely an iterative process, but I think I've learned so much about image capture and processing over the last few weeks than I have in the two years since starting this endeavor.
In other news, I am taking the family to London next week. I have a bunch of family there, so we'll catch up with them and take in some of the sights. I will also be able to show my wife where I grew up as a child and I'm looking forward to that. Maybe I'll get a chance to pop over to Greenwich Observatory!
See you next week mate! :-)
Astronomy trivia time: If you are in Greenwich on the Winter solstice and it is midnight, what Right Ascension is crossing your meridian?
Heh heh heh...
nice pics, but have you tried a barlow lense or powermate? I am sure you could improve these results
Hello Fransesc. Thanks for visiting! These pics were taken with a 2X barlow but still seem rather small. I'm going to hopefully acquire a 3X barlow (Powermate) sometime soon!
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