Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mars (and Saturn) Reprocessed

This image is from another .AVI file I took two weeks ago. I did more of a manual processing job as opposed to the automated option provided by Registax. It's sharper, with more prominent surface details. Teeny-weeny bit better than my last attempt!

This exercise got me thinking. I ran the same process on an older Saturn .AVi file and managed to get a fairly sharp, somewhat detailed image. Color leaves little to be desired but you can see ring detail and some surface markings on the planet itself.

I am going to try and get out this Saturday night. The forecast is for clear skies and temperatures down in the 20's! Hopefully I can get one more image attempt before the end of the year. It's definitely an iterative process, but I think I've learned so much about image capture and processing over the last few weeks than I have in the two years since starting this endeavor.

In other news, I am taking the family to London next week. I have a bunch of family there, so we'll catch up with them and take in some of the sights. I will also be able to show my wife where I grew up as a child and I'm looking forward to that. Maybe I'll get a chance to pop over to Greenwich Observatory!


Anonymous said...

See you next week mate! :-)

Observer said...

Astronomy trivia time: If you are in Greenwich on the Winter solstice and it is midnight, what Right Ascension is crossing your meridian?

Heh heh heh...

Francesc Pruneda said...


nice pics, but have you tried a barlow lense or powermate? I am sure you could improve these results


Phil said...

Hello Fransesc. Thanks for visiting! These pics were taken with a 2X barlow but still seem rather small. I'm going to hopefully acquire a 3X barlow (Powermate) sometime soon!
