Monday, September 17, 2007

Sowing the Seeds, and Making Reverse Decisions

Yesterday I took my son (4) to the bookstore. At the magazine rack, I picked up the latest edition of Astronomy and started flicking through it. After a while I looked down below me and Little A had picked up the same magazine and was also flicking through it! it will be no time before I need to get him his own little scope...

Speaking of scopes, I am now going through reverse aperture fever. All said and done, I can't justify another big scope, but I do feel the need for a small, wide-field scope. I have been toying with the idea of smaller refractors and found this great deal from William Optics. it includes a 66MM "Semi-APO_ refractor, tripod, 1.25" dielectric diagonal and a wide angle eyepiece, for around $500 total. It could make for a very handy travel scope, and I could also mount it on the LX200 for some goto-fun. Then when I get back into the astrophotography it could take some nice wide-field shots (which i have seen some good examples of throughout the Net).

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