My astronomy society is holding a public viewing event this weekend. Frankly, with the weather we've had I doubt it will happen but one never knows! Anyway, I signed up to be a volunteer and will take my two scopes with me for the masses to look through. I've actually always wanted to do some astronomy public outreach but have never had any opportunities aside from the odd bit of sidewalk astronomy. Hopefully it will be fun...
I tested the Panoptic 22mm with the 6" Dobsonian two nights ago. Just on Jupiter, really, with the 2X barlow. Lovely, just lovely. I could see some very nice wispy cloud detail, and the image was perfect right to the edge of the field of view. I really like this eyepiece a lot, and can't wait to get it to a dark sky site to test it on some deep sky stuff.
In other news, I signed up for the Hotter 'N Hell 100 mile bike ride. G-d knows why, I have a death wish. Before the Australia trip I rode a 35 mile race down near Houston, and felt like I could have kept going. So, we'll see how we go. I need to get busy with training for the next month!
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