Monday, November 09, 2015

Published in Amateur Astrophotography Magazine

What a treat! My black and white Sword of Orion image was published in this month's edition of "Amateur Astrophotographer" magazine as part of a feature on the Orion nebula. You can check it out here, page 62!

It's been difficult to get out under the stars lately. Central Texas has been deluged with several massive rain systems which have caused flooding and, sadly, loss of life. The meteorologists have predicted a wetter winter this year, so chances are ordinary that I will get much observing time in. We'll see.

I'm also being kept busy with a new project, a 1973 MGB! I bought it back in July, had a great run, then blew a pushrod in the engine. So, it's new engine time, but that's well underway and she'll be back on the road soon. Note it's a convertible - great 360 degree views of the night sky when driving at night!

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