Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lunar Eclipse of 2014

We got very lucky in Austin, Texas yesterday! The day started off with severe thunderstorms, wild winds, hail warnings, fire and brimstone type stuff! Magically, the skies cleared beautifully and when I peeked out at 1:30am this morning, voila! Great view of the eclipse from my front garden.

Here are a few shots!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr. Phil,

    I would like to thank you for your time to give to this website, because i visit it when ever I have a chance to do some research in astronomy on my own. Your pictures are amazing and this subject in science is what interests me the most.Your Lunar eclipse photos are beautifully done.

    I would also like to ask if you take most of the pictures yourself? If you do could you tell the the type of camera you use?

    Thank you so much for reading this message, i am a big fan of this site!

    Joshua Abram


G'day there!

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