Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Aiming for the Sun

I scored a few Amazon.com gift cards over the holiday season and used them to buy an Orion solar filter for my 80mm ED refractor. It arrived today and I tried it out. I had a total blast! Visually, with my Panoptic 22mm the Sun looked terrific. Lots of sunspot activity and very nicely defined. I attached my DLSR and started shooting, as you do. The photo below is the best of the images that I took for the day. This is a neat new aspect of astronomy to get into and doesn't involve me staying up late or driving far from home.


  1. Congratulations! this photo is amazing! i love astronomy and i often think about cosmos and its infinity. i'm sorry, my English is not good, but i hope you'll understand me! :)

  2. Thanks for the comment and for visiting, Mary. How's the viewing in Russia?

  3. good viewing in Russia in the European part especially in the summer.But it is cold in winter, so watch out for the star is quite problematic. :)

  4. Awesome! Thanks for the info, Phil! I've been considering purchasing the same filter to do some solar photography. The June 5th Venus transit is approaching and I want to be ready!

  5. Hey Rory - No worries! I bought it especially for that event and I think it will do the trick just fine. I like it!!! Clear skies!


G'day there!

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