Wednesday, December 01, 2010

What is NASA Going to Tell Us?

Tomorrow (Thursday), NASA will announce something about an "astrobiological finding". Many news agencies are posting reports like this one that are talking about the buzz on the web about the upcoming announcement. I wonder what it will be. The discovery of an alien life form? The discovery of evidence of life (no matter what scale) on Mars? Maybe even a new theory on life formation that might broaden our search overall? Who knows. 1PM U.S. Eastern Standard Time is when it will be announced. No matter what it is, I am looking forward to it!


Anonymous said...

Phil I have been away what have I missed Cobber have the visitors come please don't tell me Australias PM is actually an alien.... I knew it

Phil said...

Aliens may very well have a nicer accent than Gillard! ;-)

Anonymous said...

A "nicer" accent than Gillard? You must be some kind of private school snob! :-)

Phil said...

No...state school and working class roots through and through. I just don't like the way she speaks. Maybe it's more her voice than her accent. It's a personal preference kinda thing! :-)

Phil said...

One more comment on Gillard and then that's the last of the political stuff! I think her voice is "labored". I read she went to some eloquence lessons because people were too worried that she would sound too much like a "bogan". I hear her struggling to speak in a certain way. Maybe it'll settle down but if she just relaxed and tried not to sound pretentious, she'd do okay. Just my 2C.

Okay, back to the astro stuff...

Anonymous said...

I agree, Phil. She needs to just be herself.

Anonymous said...

Poor old Julia I mean you no harm oh sweet lady whom speaks her words so elequently. Must admit fellas it's refreshing to have a strong leader just hope she keeps the purse strings tight till the GFC mark11 hits planet earth. Beam me up Julia