Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Flame and Horsehead Nebulas - First Attempt!

Ahh, autoguiding! I finally nailed it tonight, with a lot of help from a colleague here who is way ahead of the curve than I! I've had some issues working out communications between my laptop and my CGEM mount, but tonight I discovered I had a faulty serial to USB cable! So, when I resolved the issue I took some test shots of the Horsehead and Flame Nebulas. Quite chuffed with the results!!!

Image Details:
  • 3 * 10 minute exposures
  • Imaged with a Nikon D40 @ ISO400, with an AstroTelescopes 80mm ED Refractor
  • Guided with a Meade DSI, with a William Optics 66mm Refractor
  • All mounted on a Celestron CGEM
  • Processed in Deep Sky Stacker
  • SUBTRACT GUASSIAN BLUR LAYER in GIMP to reduce vignetting
  • Noise reduction in Neat Image
I need to focus on flat frames for the ED80mm, and also need to shoot this from darker skies where the light pollution won't kill my long exposure light frames. Still, not half bad, eh? :-)


  1. Hurray! Congratulations! The view gets grander the higher up the hill you get, and it's already awesome!

  2. Thanks, Val! Can't wait to get out to a dark sky site and run this through its paces! Cheers!

  3. You definitely nailed it, Phil! Good job!

  4. Great capture. Enjoying looking at your night photos.

  5. Thanks Levinson!


G'day there!

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