Ahh, autoguiding! I finally nailed it tonight, with a lot of help from a colleague here who is way ahead of the curve than I! I've had some issues working out communications between my laptop and my CGEM mount, but tonight I discovered I had a faulty serial to USB cable! So, when I resolved the issue I took some test shots of the Horsehead and Flame Nebulas. Quite chuffed with the results!!!
Image Details:
- 3 * 10 minute exposures
- Imaged with a
Nikon D40 @ ISO400, with an AstroTelescopes 80mm ED Refractor - Guided with a Meade DSI, with a William Optics 66mm Refractor
- All mounted on a Celestron CGEM
- Processed in Deep Sky Stacker
- SUBTRACT GUASSIAN BLUR LAYER in GIMP to reduce vignetting
- Noise reduction in Neat Image
Hurray! Congratulations! The view gets grander the higher up the hill you get, and it's already awesome!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Val! Can't wait to get out to a dark sky site and run this through its paces! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteYou definitely nailed it, Phil! Good job!
ReplyDeleteCheers, Rory!
ReplyDeleteGreat capture. Enjoying looking at your night photos.
ReplyDeleteThanks Levinson!