Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jupiter Last Night

Last night, I took the kids out front with their 6" Dob and we observed Jupiter for a while. They have become very good at lining up objects using the red dot finder scope now. My daughter placed Jupiter right into the center of the eyepiece and it was perfectly focused. Seeing was about 4/5 - very steady! It looked great last night, and Callisto's shadow could clearly be seen on the surface of the gas giant itself. I explained to the kids what they were seeing. I think my oldest got it, but my youngest struggled with the concept.

This weekend will be brilliant. I am spending two nights with an old work colleague and his friend at the Canyon of the Eagles near Burnet, Texas. I'm taking both my LX200 and Lightbridge, and hope to be up for most of each night shooiting objects and getting a start on my hunt for Caldwell Catalogue objects. I'll hopefully have some images to share next week...


  1. Phil, what eyepiece did you see the moon shadow on Jupiter with?

  2. Hi Pete,

    When I use my 12" Lightbridge, I can see the Jovian transit using both my Pantoptic 22mm and Radian 10mm eyepieces. The latter does exceedingly well if the seeing conditions are very good.

    The same eyepieces work fine with my 8" SCT as well, but not as nice as the 12", obviously. My 13mm Orion Stratus (when I had it) worked well, too).



G'day there!

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