Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Enjoying the Moon

It has been about five weeks since I have the chance to use a telescope. Work and family commitments have kept me well away from my toys, and I am having severe withdrawals. So, tonight, just after sunset, I dragged out my LX200, set it up in alt-azimuth mode and observed the Moon for a good hour or so.

It was a very relaxing experience, something much needed! I popped in my 10mm Radian and just studied the different regions. These included:
  • Theophilus: I have imaged this region several times. The three main interlocking craters are really quite something to observe.
  • Montes Appenines: The "Lunar Alps". This mountain range is excellent to look at when the Moon is at this phase.
  • Vallis Alpes: A cool "scar" on the Moon, neat feature!
  • Various other craters including Stofler N, Purbach, Walter A, Posidinius and a few others.
Following my visual tour, I set up the Nikon D40 to take a few wide field shots. Below is the best of tonight's series. Focus is a bit soft due to high cloud layers.


  1. Astronomy is the most fascinating science that exists, today. Not only this, but also, space exploration will be the point that will change our world forever.

  2. Nice snap..
    you are really having a nice telescope...

  3. Thanks, Roopesh! I do like my scopes :-) Looks like you have a few interesting blogs yourself, I will check them out. Cheers!

  4. Its great..!!

    Thank you so much... It will be my pleaseure to have a advisor like you...

    Definately its gonna be a nice start for me.. as a amature astronomer...

    I worked a lot for my blog's front page.. now its a 3-column and autofit blog page.. :-)>

    with respect,

  5. I saw your blog and it looks good! You should try a long exposure capture of a satellite you have a camera?

  6. I’m looking for somebody who knows some astronomical computer programs. I recovered the stars from 30 NASA images and I would like to prove that they were taken on the Moon.

    Anybody knows such computer program?
    Anybody cloud help?


  7. Hi Alex,

    Hmm...good question. I've searched around a bit but can't find anything. Tried someone at a university with Planetary Science courses?



G'day there!

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