Monday, December 01, 2008

The Moon, Venus and Jupiter

Tonight, we had quite a sight! The much anticipated conjunction between the Moon, Jupiter and Venus was clearly visible from our neck of the woods (which almost always clouds over during such events!!!). So, out came the camera and the shot below is probably the best one I took.


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Nice shot Phil!

  2. That's a great shot, Phil! Over here in Huntsville, TX the skies cleared up and we got a really good show, too:

  3. Thanks, Ewan!

    Great photo there, Rory!!!

  4. Very nice! What lens did you use? I like very much the detail on the terminator and also the two moons of Jupiter. I'm guessing you used something around 200mm?

  5. Thanks, Polaris B. Yes, this was taken with the stock 70-200mm zoom, set at 200mm, F5.6. Using a really cheap tripod with lots of play in it, so it tries my patience but I got there in the end!


G'day there!

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