Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Short Excursion

I shot up to the local observing spot tonight after work for a few hours of fun. I took the 12" Lightbridge with me, as I haven't had it out for a while. Some clouds loitered around out to the west but sadly made their way over at about 10:00PM, causing me to take down a bit earlier than anticipated.

The main reason for going was to look at M13. I haven't seen a globular through the scope yet and it certainly didn't disappoint! Granted, the air wasn't exactly stable, and M13 hung within the Austin light dome. Still, I could resolve several dozen stars with pinpoint clarity, and I was quite pleased with the view.

This Friday I am heading out to Canyon of the Eagles. Hopefully I can get a better of view of M13 and other objects then!

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