Wednesday, February 22, 2006

We're off to a Land Down Under

So we finally got all of our tickets for the big trip to Australia (Melbourne) this year. Talk about an expensive exercise! Still, we got a very good deal and managed to get all of our flights for about $1500 less than we budgeted for. Just when I was getting excited about spending some of the leftover savings on more astrogizmos, my wife informs me the money is going back into our money market account. Drats.

The flight back home will be going via New Zealand as opposed to the direct flight we made last time. (The direct flight was rather hellish as it was 14.5 hrs non stop from LAX to MEL, but that was preceded by a two hour hold at LAX as the ground crew fixed a fueling problem. Try doing that with a one year old and a two year old!). Flying into New Zealand is amazing, the views as we come into Auckland are just lovely. Wonder if we'll see any Hobbits running around this time? Laurie is happy because she gets to buy an authentic All Blacks (NZ national rugby team) jersey from their home country. While it's only a two hour layover, it's always fun to be there. Great people! One day when we have more time we'll stay for a couple of days.

Now we need to get our passports in order, and we're in good shape. Question is, can I last another three months at work without losing my mind?


echeers said...

Have a great time Phil & family. There is no place like home. :)

Phil said...

Thanks, Jan. Not going until June though...

Are you from MUO?

echeers said...

Yep... I love blogs. :)